2022 Edition

sector 44-45

Retail Trade


The Retail Trade sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing merchandise, generally without transformation, and rendering services incidental to the sale of merchandise.

The retailing process is the final step in the distribution of merchandise; retailers are, therefore, organized to sell merchandise in small quantities to the general public. Retail stores are fixed point-of-sale locations, located and designed to attract a high volume of walk-in customers. In general, retail stores have extensive displays of merchandise and use mass-media advertising to attract customers. Retailers often reach customers and market merchandise with methods other than, or in addition to, physical stores, such as Internet websites, the broadcasting of "infomercials," the broadcasting and publishing of direct-response advertising, the publishing of paper and electronic catalogs, door-to-door solicitation, in-home demonstration, selling from portable stalls (street vendors, except food), and distribution through vending machines. Establishments engaged in the direct sale and home delivery of products, such as home heating oil dealers and home delivery newspaper routes, are included here.

Retail establishments typically sell merchandise to the general public for personal or household consumption, but some also serve business and institutional clients. These include office supply retailers, computer and software retailers, building materials dealers, plumbing supply retailers, and electrical supply retailers.

In addition to retailing merchandise, some retailers are also engaged in the provision of after-sales services, such as repair and installation. For example, new automobile dealers, electronics and appliance retailers, and musical instrument and supplies retailers often provide repair services. As a general rule, establishments engaged in retailing merchandise and providing after-sales services are classified in this sector.

Retail trade establishments are grouped into industries and industry groups typically based on one or more of the following criteria:

(a) The merchandise line or lines carried; for example, specialty retailers are distinguished from general-line retailers.

(b) The usual trade designation of the establishments. This criterion applies in cases where a retailer is well recognized by the industry and the public, but difficult to define strictly in terms of merchandise lines carried; for example, pharmacies and department stores.

(c) Human resource requirements in terms of expertise; for example, the staff of an automobile dealer requires knowledge in financing, registering, and licensing issues that are not necessary in other retail industries.

The buying of goods for resale is a characteristic of retail trade establishments that particularly distinguishes them from establishments in the agriculture, manufacturing, and construction industries. For example, farms that sell their products at or from the point of production are not classified in retail, but rather in agriculture. Similarly, establishments that both manufacture and sell their products to the general public are not classified in retail, but rather in manufacturing. However, establishments that engage in processing activities incidental to retailing are classified in retail. This includes optical goods retailers that grind lenses, and meat and seafood retailers that process carcasses into cuts.

Wholesalers also engage in the buying of goods for resale, but they are not usually organized to serve the general public. They typically operate from a warehouse or office, and neither the design nor the location of these premises is intended to solicit a high volume of walk-in traffic. Wholesalers supply institutional, industrial, wholesale, and retail clients; their operations are, therefore, generally organized to purchase, sell, and deliver merchandise in larger quantities. However, dealers of durable nonconsumer goods, such as farm machinery and heavy-duty trucks, are included in wholesale trade even if they often sell these products in single units.


  1. 441 - Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers
    1. 4411 - Automobile Dealers
      1. 44111 - New Car Dealers
        1. 441110 - New Car Dealers
      2. 44112 - Used Car Dealers
        1. 441120 - Used Car Dealers
    2. 4412 - Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
      1. 44121 - Recreational Vehicle Dealers
        1. 441210 - Recreational Vehicle Dealers
      2. 44122 - Motorcycle, Boat, and Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
        1. 441222 - Boat Dealers
        2. 441227 - Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
    3. 4413 - Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Retailers
      1. 44133 - Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers
        1. 441330 - Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers
      2. 44134 - Tire Dealers
        1. 441340 - Tire Dealers
  2. 444 - Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers
    1. 4441 - Building Material and Supplies Dealers
      1. 44411 - Home Centers
        1. 444110 - Home Centers
      2. 44412 - Paint and Wallpaper Retailers
        1. 444120 - Paint and Wallpaper Retailers
      3. 44414 - Hardware Retailers
        1. 444140 - Hardware Retailers
      4. 44418 - Other Building Material Dealers
        1. 444180 - Other Building Material Dealers
    2. 4442 - Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Retailers
      1. 44423 - Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers
        1. 444230 - Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers
      2. 44424 - Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers
        1. 444240 - Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers
  3. 445 - Food and Beverage Retailers
    1. 4451 - Grocery and Convenience Retailers
      1. 44511 - Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers)
        1. 445110 - Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers)
      2. 44513 - Convenience Retailers and Vending Machine Operators
        1. 445131 - Convenience Retailers
        2. 445132 - Vending Machine Operators
    2. 4452 - Specialty Food Retailers
      1. 44523 - Fruit and Vegetable Retailers
        1. 445230 - Fruit and Vegetable Retailers
      2. 44524 - Meat Retailers
        1. 445240 - Meat Retailers
      3. 44525 - Fish and Seafood Retailers
        1. 445250 - Fish and Seafood Retailers
      4. 44529 - Other Specialty Food Retailers
        1. 445291 - Baked Goods Retailers
        2. 445292 - Confectionery and Nut Retailers
        3. 445298 - All Other Specialty Food Retailers
    3. 4453 - Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers
      1. 44532 - Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers
        1. 445320 - Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers
  4. 449 - Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, and Appliance Retailers
    1. 4491 - Furniture and Home Furnishings Retailers
      1. 44911 - Furniture Retailers
        1. 449110 - Furniture Retailers
      2. 44912 - Home Furnishings Retailers
        1. 449121 - Floor Covering Retailers
        2. 449122 - Window Treatment Retailers
        3. 449129 - All Other Home Furnishings Retailers
    2. 4492 - Electronics and Appliance Retailers
      1. 44921 - Electronics and Appliance Retailers
        1. 449210 - Electronics and Appliance Retailers
  5. 455 - General Merchandise Retailers
    1. 4551 - Department Stores
      1. 45511 - Department Stores
        1. 455110 - Department Stores
    2. 4552 - Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers
      1. 45521 - Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers
        1. 455211 - Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters
        2. 455219 - All Other General Merchandise Retailers
  6. 456 - Health and Personal Care Retailers
    1. 4561 - Health and Personal Care Retailers
      1. 45611 - Pharmacies and Drug Retailers
        1. 456110 - Pharmacies and Drug Retailers
      2. 45612 - Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers
        1. 456120 - Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers
      3. 45613 - Optical Goods Retailers
        1. 456130 - Optical Goods Retailers
      4. 45619 - Other Health and Personal Care Retailers
        1. 456191 - Food (Health) Supplement Retailers
        2. 456199 - All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers
  7. 457 - Gasoline Stations and Fuel Dealers
    1. 4571 - Gasoline Stations
      1. 45711 - Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores
        1. 457110 - Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores
      2. 45712 - Other Gasoline Stations
        1. 457120 - Other Gasoline Stations
    2. 4572 - Fuel Dealers
      1. 45721 - Fuel Dealers
        1. 457210 - Fuel Dealers
  8. 458 - Clothing, Clothing Accessories, Shoe, and Jewelry Retailers
    1. 4581 - Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers
      1. 45811 - Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers
        1. 458110 - Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers
    2. 4582 - Shoe Retailers
      1. 45821 - Shoe Retailers
        1. 458210 - Shoe Retailers
    3. 4583 - Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Retailers
      1. 45831 - Jewelry Retailers
        1. 458310 - Jewelry Retailers
      2. 45832 - Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers
        1. 458320 - Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers
  9. 459 - Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers
    1. 4591 - Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Retailers
      1. 45911 - Sporting Goods Retailers
        1. 459110 - Sporting Goods Retailers
      2. 45912 - Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers
        1. 459120 - Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers
      3. 45913 - Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers
        1. 459130 - Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers
      4. 45914 - Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers
        1. 459140 - Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers
    2. 4592 - Book Retailers and News Dealers
      1. 45921 - Book Retailers and News Dealers
        1. 459210 - Book Retailers and News Dealers
    3. 4593 - Florists
      1. 45931 - Florists
        1. 459310 - Florists
    4. 4594 - Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Retailers
      1. 45941 - Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers
        1. 459410 - Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers
      2. 45942 - Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers
        1. 459420 - Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers
    5. 4595 - Used Merchandise Retailers
      1. 45951 - Used Merchandise Retailers
        1. 459510 - Used Merchandise Retailers
    6. 4599 - Other Miscellaneous Retailers
      1. 45991 - Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers
        1. 459910 - Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers
      2. 45992 - Art Dealers
        1. 459920 - Art Dealers
      3. 45993 - Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers
        1. 459930 - Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers
      4. 45999 - All Other Miscellaneous Retailers
        1. 459991 - Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers
        2. 459999 - All Other Miscellaneous Retailers


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2002 44-45
2007 44-45
2012 44-45
2017 44-45
2022 44-45

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

SIC Mappings are not available at the sector level, a more specific code is required.

SIC mappings are available for 6 digit national industry codes and their sub-descriptions only. For detailed mappings choose the most appropriate six-digit code from the list of descendants.

Insurance Industry Mappings

Mappings are not available at the sector level, a more specific code is required.

Insurance industry mappings are available for 6 digit national industry codes and their sub-descriptions only. For detailed mappings choose the most appropriate six-digit code from the list of descendants.


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