2017 Edition

National Industry 336310 Sub-Description:

Assembly line rebuilding of automotive and truck gasoline engines


Assembly line rebuilding of automotive and truck gasoline engines is one of 26 sub descriptions for NAICS National Industry 336310, Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing.


The identifier for Assembly line rebuilding of automotive and truck gasoline engines is 3893f0cf4c58804aa0940c43bac68249.

Learn more about how we calculate this value.


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2022 3893f0cf4c58804aa0940c43bac68249
2017 3893f0cf4c58804aa0940c43bac68249
2012 3893f0cf4c58804aa0940c43bac68249

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

  1. 3714 - Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories

Insurance Industry Mappings

The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass 336310, Assembly line rebuilding of automotive and truck gasoline engines:

  1. automobile operating part not otherwise classified
  2. automobile operating part not otherwise classified manufacturing or proc
  3. automobile or bus or truck part manufacturing not operating part not otherwise classified
  4. manufacturing
  5. motor vehicle gasoline engine and engine part manufacturing
  6. motor vehicle part and accessory
  7. motor vehicle part manufacturing
  8. transportation equipment manufacturing