National Industry 459999 Sub-Description:
Flower shops, artificial or dried
Flower shops, artificial or dried is one of 26 sub descriptions for NAICS National Industry 459999, All Other Miscellaneous Retailers.
The identifier for Flower shops, artificial or dried is 379518eb59a8e469412a0837c114124d
Learn more about how we calculate this value.
The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.
Edition | Existed | Equivalent Value |
2022 | 379518eb59a8e469412a0837c114124d | |
2017 | e7367c38be3947ef946a6e94fe51d0f4 | |
2012 | e7367c38be3947ef946a6e94fe51d0f4 |
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings
Mappings are not available for this combination of NAICS code and edition.
Insurance Industry Mappings
The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass 459999, Flower shops, artificial or dried:
- all other miscellaneous store retailer
- all other miscellaneous store retailer except tobacco store
- artificial flower and plant
- artificial flower bric a brac picture painting
- artificial flower no live plant
- artificial flower or plant retail
- commercial equipment fixture or supply store
- flower artificial store
- mercantile not otherwise classified
- miscellaneous store retailer
- other miscellaneous store retailer
- painting picture bric a brac artificial flower
- picture painting bric a brac artificial flower
- plant shop
- retail store not otherwise classified without cooking
- retail trade
- store no food or drink
- store no food or drink not otherwise classified nfp
- store not otherwise classified no food or drink