2012 Edition

National Industry 112512 Sub-Description:

Oyster production, farm raising


Oyster production, farm raising is one of 11 sub descriptions for NAICS National Industry 112512, Shellfish Farming.


The identifier for Oyster production, farm raising is 71041fb7c931a564add83c5e6c74b028.

Learn more about how we calculate this value.


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2022 71041fb7c931a564add83c5e6c74b028
2017 71041fb7c931a564add83c5e6c74b028
2012 71041fb7c931a564add83c5e6c74b028

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

  1. 0273 - Animal Aquaculture

Insurance Industry Mappings

The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass 112512, Oyster production, farm raising:

  1. agriculture forestry fishing and hunting
  2. animal aquaculture
  3. animal production and aquaculture
  4. aquaculture
  5. farm fish hatchery shellfish type iii farm nonowner operated 160 500 acre
  6. farm fish hatchery shellfish type iii farm nonowner operated 500 2 000 acre
  7. farm fish hatchery shellfish type iii farm nonowner operated less than 160 acre
  8. farm fish hatchery shellfish type iii farm nonowner operated more than 2 000 acre
  9. farm fish hatchery shellfish type iii farm owner operated 160 500 acre
  10. farm fish hatchery shellfish type iii farm owner operated 500 2 000 acre
  11. farm fish hatchery shellfish type iii farm owner operated less than 160 acre
  12. farm fish hatchery shellfish type iii farm owner operated more than 2 000 acre
  13. farm general not otherwise classified
  14. fish and seafood processing fresh
  15. fish hatchery shellfish
  16. fishery and fishing service
  17. seafood and fish processing fresh
  18. shellfish farming