2022 Edition
National Industry 311612 Sub-Description:
Pastrami made from purchased carcasses
Pastrami made from purchased carcasses is one of 34 sub descriptions for NAICS National Industry 311612, Meat Processed from Carcasses.
The identifier for Pastrami made from purchased carcasses is 2157073f876e2df3f2ea9fbdd3faeb9e
Learn more about how we calculate this value.
The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.
Edition | Existed | Equivalent Value |
2022 | 2157073f876e2df3f2ea9fbdd3faeb9e | |
2017 | 2157073f876e2df3f2ea9fbdd3faeb9e | |
2012 | 2157073f876e2df3f2ea9fbdd3faeb9e |
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings
Insurance Industry Mappings
The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass 311612, Pastrami made from purchased carcasses:
- animal slaughtering and processing
- employment contractor temporary food product manufacturing not otherwise classified staff de pa
- food manufacturing
- food product manufacturing
- food product manufacturing in meat not dry or no glass container
- food product manufacturing not otherwise classified
- food product manufacturing or processing not otherwise classified
- manufacturing
- meat fish poultry or seafood curing
- meat processed from carcass
- meat product manufacture not otherwise classified
- meat product manufacturing
- meat product manufacturing not otherwise classified
- meat product manufacturing not otherwise classified including canning
- processed meat product manufacturing
- processed meat product manufacturing no slaughtering or handling of livestock
- sausage and other prepared meat product