A more recent edition of NAICS is available.
2012 Edition

national industry 621991

Blood and Organ Banks


This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in collecting, storing, and distributing blood and blood products and storing and distributing body organs.

The immediate parent of national industry 621991 is international industry 62199: All Other Ambulatory Health Care Services


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2002 621991
2007 621991
2012 621991
2017 621991
2022 621991

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

  1. 8099 - Health and Allied Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

Insurance Industry Mappings

The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass national industry 621991, Blood and Organ Banks:

  1. all other ambulatory health care service
  2. ambulatory health care service
  3. blood and organ bank
  4. blood bank
  5. blood bank nonprofit
  6. health and allied service not otherwise classified
  7. health care and social assistance
  8. other ambulatory health care service


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