A more recent edition of NAICS is available.
2012 Edition

national industry 621511

Medical Laboratories


This U.S. industry comprises establishments known as medical laboratories primarily engaged in providing analytic or diagnostic services, including body fluid analysis, generally to the medical profession or to the patient on referral from a health practitioner.

The immediate parent of national industry 621511 is international industry 62151: Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories

Illustrative Examples

  • Blood analysis laboratories Medical pathology laboratories
  • Medical bacteriological laboratories Medical testing laboratories Medical forensic laboratories

2012 NAICS Edition Cross References

  • Establishments known as dental laboratories primarily engaged in making dentures, artificial teeth, and orthodontic appliances to prescription are classified in U.S. Industry 339116, Dental Laboratories;
  • Establishments known as optical laboratories primarily engaged in grinding of lenses to prescription are classified in U.S. Industry 339115, Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing; and
  • Establishments known as orthopedic laboratories primarily engaged in making orthopedic or prosthetic appliances to prescription are classified in U.S. Industry 339113, Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing.


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2002 621511
2007 621511
2012 621511
2017 621511
2022 621511

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

  1. 8071 - Medical Laboratories

Insurance Industry Mappings

The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass national industry 621511, Medical Laboratories:

  1. ambulatory health care service
  2. diagnostic testing laboratory
  3. diathermy quartz lamp x ray or infra red machine
  4. health care and social assistance
  5. infra red x ray machine diathermy or quartz lamp
  6. laboratory medical
  7. laboratory reference
  8. lamp machine x ray infra red diathermy or quartz
  9. medical and diagnostic laboratory
  10. medical laboratory
  11. medical laboratory analysing
  12. medical laboratory analyzing
  13. quartz x ray lamp infra red or diathermy machine
  14. radiation specialist diagnosis and treatment only not including x ray infra red diathermy or quartz lamp
  15. x ray infra red diathermy or quartz lamp machine
  16. x ray quartz lamp infra red diathermy machine


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