A more recent edition of NAICS is available.
2012 Edition

subsector 512

Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries


Industries in the Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries subsector group establishments involved in the production and distribution of motion pictures and sound recordings. While producers and distributors of motion pictures and sound recordings issue works for sale as traditional publishers do, the processes are sufficiently different to warrant placing establishments engaged in these activities in a separate subsector. Production is typically a complex process that involves several distinct types of establishments that are engaged in activities, such as contracting with performers, creating the film or sound content, and providing technical postproduction services. Film distribution is often to exhibitors, such as theaters and broadcasters, rather than through the wholesale and retail distribution chain. When the product is in a mass-produced form, NAICS treats production and distribution as the major economic activity as it does in the Publishing Industries (except Internet) subsector, rather than as a subsidiary activity to the manufacture of such products.

This subsector does not include establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of videocassettes and sound recordings, such as compact discs and audio tapes; these establishments are included in the Wholesale

Trade sector. Reproduction of videocassettes and sound recordings that is carried out separately from establishments engaged in production and distribution is treated in NAICS as a manufacturing activity.

The immediate parent of subsector 512 is sector 51: Information


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2002 512
2007 512
2012 512
2017 512
2022 512

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

SIC Mappings are not available at the subsector level, a more specific code is required.

SIC mappings are available for 6 digit national industry codes and their sub-descriptions only. For detailed mappings choose the most appropriate six-digit code from the list of descendants.

Insurance Industry Mappings

Mappings are not available at the subsector level, a more specific code is required.

Insurance industry mappings are available for 6 digit national industry codes and their sub-descriptions only. For detailed mappings choose the most appropriate six-digit code from the list of descendants.


What's the difference between HD and SD? See our methodology.