industry group 4539
Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing new miscellaneous specialty store merchandise (except motor vehicle and parts dealers; furniture and home furnishings stores; consumer-type
electronics and appliance stores; building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers; food and beverage stores; health and personal care stores; gasoline stations; clothing and clothing accessories stores; sporting goods, hobby, book, and music stores; general merchandise stores; florists; office supplies, stationery, and gift stores; and used merchandise stores).
The immediate parent of industry group 4539 is subsector 453: Miscellaneous Store Retailers
The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.
Edition | Existed | Equivalent Value |
2002 | 4539 | |
2007 | 4539 | |
2012 | 4539 | |
2017 | 4539 | |
2022 | 4552 4599 |
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings
SIC Mappings are not available at the industry group level, a more specific code is required.
SIC mappings are available for 6 digit national industry codes and their sub-descriptions only. For detailed mappings choose the most appropriate six-digit code from the list of descendants.
Insurance Industry Mappings
Mappings are not available at the industry group level, a more specific code is required.
Insurance industry mappings are available for 6 digit national industry codes and their sub-descriptions only. For detailed mappings choose the most appropriate six-digit code from the list of descendants.
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