2022 Edition

national industry 523940

Portfolio Management and Investment Advice


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in managing the portfolio assets (i.e., funds) of others on a fee or commission basis and/or providing customized investment advice to clients on a fee basis. Establishments providing portfolio management have the authority to make investment decisions, and they derive fees based on the size and/or overall performance of the portfolio. Establishments providing investment advice provide financial planning advice and investment counseling to meet the goals and needs of specific clients, but do not have the authority to execute trades.

The immediate parent of national industry 523940 is international industry 52394: Portfolio Management and Investment Advice

Illustrative Examples

  • Financial planning services, customized, fees paid by client
  • Investment advisory services, customized, fees paid by client
  • Managing trusts
  • Portfolio fund managing

2022 NAICS Edition Cross References

  • Establishments primarily engaged in investment banking, securities intermediation, and commodity contracts intermediation are classified in Industry Group 5231, Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and Brokerage;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in acting as principals (except investment bankers, securities dealers, and commodity contracts dealers) in buying or selling financial contracts are classified in Industry 523910, Miscellaneous Intermediation;
  • Establishments primarily engaged in administering personal estates are classified in U.S. Industry 523991, Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities;
  • Legal entities (i.e., trusts, estates, or agency accounts) administered on behalf of the beneficiaries under the terms of a trust agreement, will, or agency agreement are classified in Industry 525920, Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts;
  • Establishments providing investment advice in conjunction with their primary activity, such as the sale of stocks, bonds, annuities, and real estate, are classified according to their primary activity; and
  • Establishments known as publishers providing generalized investment information to subscribers are classified in Subsector 513, Publishing Industries.


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2002 523920 523930
2007 523920 523930
2012 523920 523930
2017 523920 523930
2022 523940

Insurance Industry Mappings

The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass national industry 523940, Portfolio Management and Investment Advice:

  1. consultant financial
  2. consultant financial planning
  3. finance and insurance
  4. financial planner
  5. financial planner consultant
  6. financial planner office
  7. financial planning
  8. financial planning service
  9. investment advice
  10. investment advice naic
  11. investment company
  12. investment institution
  13. investment service
  14. office financial planner
  15. other consulting service
  16. other financial investment activity
  17. pension health and welfare fund
  18. pension health and welfare plan labor union
  19. pension health and welfare plan other than labor union
  20. pension welfare retirement benefit fund for labour union
  21. pension welfare retirement benefit fund labour union
  22. pension welfare retirement benefit fund not for labour union
  23. pension welfare retirement benefit fund not labour union
  24. portfolio management
  25. portfolio management naic
  26. retirement pension welfare benefit fund labour union
  27. retirement pension welfare benefit fund not labour union
  28. security commodity contract and other financial investment and related activity
  29. trust except educational religious and charitable
  30. welfare pension retirement benefit fund labour union
  31. welfare pension retirement benefit fund not labour union


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