2017 Edition

National Industry 811121 Sub-Description:

Paint shops, automotive


Paint shops, automotive is one of 13 sub descriptions for NAICS National Industry 811121, Automotive Body, Paint, and Interior Repair and Maintenance.


The identifier for Paint shops, automotive is c57420acec934fd840a3ba79edeeda64.

Learn more about how we calculate this value.


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2022 c57420acec934fd840a3ba79edeeda64
2017 c57420acec934fd840a3ba79edeeda64
2012 c57420acec934fd840a3ba79edeeda64

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

  1. 7532 - Top, Body, and Upholstery Repair Shops and Paint Shops

Insurance Industry Mappings

The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass 811121, Paint shops, automotive:

  1. automobile body paint shop
  2. automobile body repair
  3. automobile body repair and painting service
  4. automobile or truck body repair and painting
  5. automobile or truck body repair and painting all e
  6. automobile painting shop
  7. automobile repair or service shop glass installation no towing
  8. automobile repair or service shop not otherwise classified
  9. automotive body paint and interior repair and maintenance
  10. automotive body paint interior and glass repair
  11. automotive repair and maintenance
  12. body and paint shop car pandd only
  13. body and paint shop truck pandd only
  14. other service except public administration
  15. paint automobile body shop
  16. painting automobile or carriage body
  17. painting automobile or truck body including incidental
  18. painting automotive
  19. painting shop only
  20. repair and maintenance
  21. top body and upholstery repair shop and paint shop