2012 Edition

National Industry 443142 Sub-Description:

Software stores, computer


Software stores, computer is one of 17 sub descriptions for NAICS National Industry 443142, Electronics Stores.


The identifier for Software stores, computer is e502647c34d239a77117a62ea599326f.

Learn more about how we calculate this value.


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2022 314e7290141c352a1ea7819a9170985a
2017 e502647c34d239a77117a62ea599326f
2012 e502647c34d239a77117a62ea599326f

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

  1. 5734 - Computer and Computer Software Stores

Insurance Industry Mappings

The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass 443142, Software stores, computer:

  1. appliance or electronic store
  2. audio or video cassette record or compact disc store retail
  3. audio video sale rental disc record and tape store only
  4. book record compact disc software video or audio cassette retail
  5. compact disc record video or audio cassette store retail
  6. computer and computer software store
  7. computer and datum processing service computer sale retailstore
  8. computer equipment and software retail
  9. computer equipment and software store
  10. computer software store
  11. computer store including software and accessory
  12. computer store including software and accessory retail
  13. dvd cd electronic game media and software
  14. electronic and appliance store
  15. electronic component and accessory store retail
  16. electronic good and accessory store
  17. electronic good store
  18. electronic store
  19. mercantile not otherwise classified
  20. record or compact disc video or audio cassette store retail
  21. retail store not otherwise classified
  22. retail trade
  23. software store retail
  24. store audio or video cassette book record compact disc or software store retail
  25. store audio or video cassette book record compact disc software retail
  26. store book record compact disc software video or audio cassette retail
  27. store book record compact disc software video or audio cassette retail or store audio or video cassette book record compact disc software retail or store compact disc book record software video or audio cassette retail or store record book compact disc software video or audio cassette retail or store video or audio cassette book record compact disc software retail
  28. store book record compact disc software video or audiocassette retail
  29. store compact disc book record software video or audio cassette retail
  30. store record book compact disc software video or audio cassette retail
  31. store retail
  32. store retail not otherwise classified
  33. store retail store not otherwise classified including service of food not restaurant
  34. store retail store not otherwise classified no service of food
  35. store software book record compact disc video or audio cassette retail
  36. store software retail
  37. store video media retail
  38. store video or audio cassette book record compact disc software retail
  39. video audio sale rental disc record and tape store only
  40. video cassette record or compact disc store retail