2012 Edition

National Industry 237990 Sub-Description:

Jetty construction


Jetty construction is one of 76 sub descriptions for NAICS National Industry 237990, Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction.


The identifier for Jetty construction is b23c27d89160b760bb0d51c2b167b985.

Learn more about how we calculate this value.


The NAICS editions in which this code was present are indicated below. In the event that a code was changed from the prior edition the equivalent value in that edition is provided for reference.

Edition Existed Equivalent Value
2022 b23c27d89160b760bb0d51c2b167b985
2017 b23c27d89160b760bb0d51c2b167b985
2012 b23c27d89160b760bb0d51c2b167b985

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Mappings

  1. 1629 - Heavy Construction, Not Elsewhere Classified

Insurance Industry Mappings

The US Property and Casualty Insurance Industry may use the following classification descriptions which might encompass 237990, Jetty construction:

  1. breakwater jetty pier dock levee
  2. construction
  3. dike levee or revetment construction
  4. dock jetty breakwater pier levee
  5. heavy and civil engineering construction
  6. heavy construction not otherwise classified
  7. jetty breakwater pier dock levee
  8. jetty breakwater pier dock levee construction commercial use
  9. jetty or breakwater construction
  10. levee jetty breakwater pier dock
  11. other heavy and civil engineering construction
  12. pier jetty breakwater dock levee